Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Top Toilet Roll Holders To Brighten Up Your Bathroom

After building our new home, and finding inspiration from Pinterest, Google, and Instagram, I began to wonder if the current bathroom trends were compromising the quality and functionality of bathrooms. While we might long to relax in the tub, most of us prefer to use the bathroom quickly. While we all love style and aesthetics, it is the practicality of the bathroom that will determine how enjoyable our daily bathroom experiences.

I was inspired to dig into various bathroom fixtures to find out if they can be used to create functional bathrooms without compromising on aesthetics or hygiene.

Let's dive deep into another bathroom fixture, the essential toilet holder.

First, consider the usability for the toilet roll holder. Many bathrooms that are open and spacious on Instagram and Pinterest have the toilet paper holder mounted on the wall behind their toilets. It might be fine for those who are super flexible or contortionists, but it puts me at risk for injury when I reach for the toilet paper.

The inspiration bathroom photos online show that the toilet roll holder is still the same holder as the decor.

Bathroom trends are becoming less cluttered and minimalist, but most bathrooms and powder rooms still have a container on the ground with spare toilet paper. This is so that we don't get 'caught with the pants down when our toilet paper runs out.

These containers make a complete mess in modern bathrooms. These containers create clutter, ruin the aesthetics and cause other problems such as:

  • Bathroom floor cleaning can be a frustrating and awkward task.

  • a potential target for little boys,

  • Some people use them to dispose of rubbish.

  • Great entertainment for toddlers, and sometimes pets!

Installing a double toilet paper holder is a simple solution.

The double toilet roll holder is stylish, modern, and functional. It will enhance the aesthetics of your bathroom and improve hygiene. A double toilet roll holder will give your bathroom and powder room the minimalist look you desire. It will make it easy to keep the floor around the toilet clean, and won't collect germs or dust. There is no need to curse the other members of your household who have run out of toilet paper. Your backup is always available. To combat toilet roll 'over-or-under' arguments, you can have His/Hers rolls!

It is crucial to consider the details of every bathroom fixture when designing your bathroom. While style and aesthetics are important in a bathroom, it is functionality and hygiene that will make daily routines more enjoyable and easier. Sometimes, it's the little things that make all of the difference in your life.

This second look at bathroom fixtures reveals that traditional bathroom fixtures are not in line with current trends. They are actually negatively affecting personal hygiene as well as bathroom functionality and aesthetics.

Sharing my experiences

The double toilet roll holder was selected for its hygiene, functionality, and aesthetics. They were difficult to find and only a limited supply was available. This inspired me to create a sleek, stylish double toilet roll holder that fits into any bathroom decor.

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The Top Toilet Roll Holders To Brighten Up Your Bathroom

After building our new home, and finding inspiration from Pinterest, Google, and Instagram, I began to wonder if the current bathroom trends...